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Urea Perlada al 46% N

(5 customers reviewed)

La urea es un fertilizante químico de origen orgánico. Entre los fertilizantes sólidos, es la fuente de Nitrógeno con mayor concentración (46%), siendo así de gran utilidad en la integración de fórmulas de mezclas físicas de fertilizantes, aportando grandes ventajas en términos económicos y en el manejo de cultivos altamente exigentes de Nitrógeno. (N).

Urea is a chemical fertilizer of organic origin. Among the fertilizers solids, is the source of Nitrogen with the highest concentration (46%), thus being very useful in the integration of formulas of physical mixtures of fertilizers, providing great advantages in economic terms and in the management of crops highly demanding of Nitrogen. (N).


  • Bulk (by container, half container or full container).
  • 50 kg bags.
  • 100kg bags.
  • At the customer's convenience.



  • Chemical name: Carbamide.
  • Other names: Urea, Carbonyldiamide, Carbomidic Acid or Aliphatic Amide.
  • Chemical formula: CO (NH2) 2.
  • Molecular weight (g/mol): 60.06.
  • Total Nitrogen Content (N): 46% Ureic Nitrogen (w / w).

Availability in the soil: Suitably soluble fertilizer that provides a rapid and continuous release of the nutrients contained in UREA.

Particle size


It can be used as raw material for other fertilizers. It is advisable to take into account the prescription of an Agronomist based on an adequate and timely analysis of the soil or leaf tissue.


Urea, in its original form, does not contain ammonia (NH + 4), however, it is rapidly hydrolyzed by the effect of the enzyme "urease" and by soil temperature. In bare soils and with surface applications of urea, a percentage of ammonia (NH3) is lost by volatilization. Urea, when hydrolyzed, produces ammonia and bicarbonate. Bicarbonate ions react with soil acidity and increase the pH in the area near the reaction site of this fertilizer (application band). Once the urea has been converted to ammonia (NH + 4), it is absorbed by the clays and organic matter in the soil, and finally the ammonia is nitrified or directly absorbed by the plants.


Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, it is a constituent part of every living cell. In plants, nitrogen is necessary for the synthesis of chlorophyll and, as part of the chlorophyll molecule, participates in the process of photosynthesis. Nitrogen (N) is also a component of vitamins and energy components of plants, it is also an essential part of amino acids and therefore it is a determining factor for the increase in protein content in plants. A plant deficient in nitrogen (N) cannot make optimal use of sunlight, so its ability to photosynthesize is affected and, consequently, its ability to use and absorb nutrients, limiting proper growth and development . of the plants.


Urea is the cheapest source of highly concentrated nitrogen (N). It is a fertilizer that has a wide variety of uses and applications. It is an essential component to produce balanced fertilization formulas. It can be applied to the soil directly as a single product, it can be incorporated into balanced physical mixtures, and due to its high solubility in water, it can function as a nitrogen supply in foliar NPK formulas, for use in highly soluble fertigation and in fertilizers. liquids In the case of foliar applications of Urea, it is very important to use Biuret-free Urea, with a content not higher than 0.25%. Biuret or Carbamyl Urea is a condensation product resulting from the decomposition by thermal effect of Urea. Biuret is phytotoxic in applications to foliage (foliar) only, not when applied to the soil.

Conservation Mode

It should be stored in a dry, ventilated place to avoid excessive dust. Do not pack directly on the ground, it must be done on dry pallets. Don't leave it outdoors. It must be separated from organic materials and other substances such as oxidants, flammable liquids, acids and fuels. Its storage should not exceed 6 months.

Conditions of Transport

Transport in vehicles with bodywork or a tent that protects the product from the rain. The vehicle must be clean and free of moisture. Avoid placing combustible or flammable objects on the bags. Avoid bags coming into contact with sharp objects.

Market Segment

Export quality for the whole world.

Tag Values

  • Product Name.
  • Place of Origin.
  • Company Number
  • Lot Number
  • Product Destination
  • Product Conservation
  • Production Date(Y/M/D)
  • Expiration Date
  • Conservation Data
  • Bar Code
  • Weight
  • Any other necessary

The labeling can be done in any language or combination of languages ​​according to the client's request.

Related Products

Urea is a chemical fertilizer of organic origin. Among solid fertilizers, it is the source Nitrogen with the highest concentration (46%), which is why it is very useful in the integration of formulas of physical mixtures of fertilizers, providing great advantages in economic terms and in the management of highly nitrogen-demanding crops. (N).

NPK manure or fertilizer, as its name suggests, is a manure or fertilizer that is made up of the three elements or, rather, primary macroelements. These macroelements are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K).

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